Zodiac sign on numerology digit - Know yourself better by your digit



Published on May 14, 2018

Zodiac sign on numerology digit - Know yourself better by your digit

Without numbers there is nothing you can do and Numerology projections will fascinate you for your whole life. It is a way to know your personality and uniqueness with the help of numbers.

Zodiac Sign based on numerology digit

Below are digits 1-9, zodiac signs and ruling planet, have a glance to know your individuality.


Dedication towards work and known for patience

Ruling planet: Sun

Zodiac sign: Leo (23rd July to 23rd August)

Representing the whole universe, Digit - 1 is the base of all other numbers. All those who are born on the 1, 10, 19 and 28 irrespective of months own this digit. They will always aim for the best of life and conquer against all negative energies as they have strong will power.


The number of dualism - easily gets influenced by others.

Zodiac sign: Cancer (21st June - 23rd July)

Ruling planet: Moon

Those people born on 2, 11, 20 and 29 have 2 as their life-path number. It is a combination of negative & positive points. They will find success in their life by the direction of their mentors. Also, emotional for certain things.


Make more enemies than friends

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius (23rd November-21st December) and Pisces (19th February-21st March).

Ruling planet: Jupiter

High-powered and callousness are the best two words to describe the people of this digit. People who are born on 3, 12, 21 and 30 are the ones who own this number. They can easily predict things and are very responsible.


True to words and has a good social status.

Zodiac sign: Leo (23rd July-23rd August)

Ruling planet: Sun

People who are born on 4, 13, 22 and 31st of any month own this digit. Their sensible approach towards life is the main aspect that keeps them moving. Usually the people of digit 4 are considered as lucky.


Known for versatility and good management skills

Zodiac sign: Gemini (21st May–21st June) and Virgo (23 August-22nd September)

Ruling planet: Mercury

People born on 5, 14, and 23 are the ones who belong to the digit 5. They will never follow pre-planned strategies in order to achieve. They create their own plans and likewise implement them.


Seek tremendous pleasure

Zodiac Sign: Libra (September 23-October 24)

Ruling planet: Venus

People who belong to this digit are born on 6, 15, and 24. They are known for their beauty and are ruled by emotions but they get stuck when it comes to practical thinking.


Introvert to some extent

Zodiac signs- Cancer (June 22 to July 22,) and Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Ruling planet- Moon

This spiritualist digit belongs to people born on 7, 16, and 25. Intelligent, smart and a keen thinker, always stands out of others.


Known for creativity

Zodiac signs: Capricorn/Aquarius

Ruling planet: Saturn

People having birth dates on 8, 17 and 26 are the owners of this number. Manage their work by themselves and never seek any help or even guidance from others.


Usually courageous and soft heartened

Zodiac sign: Aries (21st March-21st April) and Scorpio (24th October-23rd November)

Ruling planet: Mars

People born on 9 and 18 are the owners of this digit. They have a huge amount of ego in them and always try to over daring, which ends up proving them wrong.

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